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Deep Plane Facelift in Montclair

Featured on 2020 America’s Best Doctor List by America’s Best and Findatopdoc.com

deep plane facelift patient model touching her face and hair pretty deep plane facelift patient model in a tank top with a camera

Remove Years From Your Look With Long Lasting Results

Sun damage, lifestyle habits, and the environment can add years to your look. In addition, as we age, we produce less collagen and elastin, which help maintain healthy, toned skin. This can lead to premature aging, defined by wrinkles and folds in the skin, sagging skin and jowls, and a less defined facial profile. Our New Jersey deep plane facelifts address these issues and can provide a natural-looking, long-lasting, more youthful profile with less recovery time than a traditional facelift.

Deep Plane Facelift at New Jersey Plastic Surgery

At New Jersey Plastic Surgery, Dr. Barry DiBernardo, Dr. Trovato, and their team of highly trained medical staff are here to provide you with top-rated care in our Montclair, NJ office. We strive to give you a personalized experience, utilizing our extensive research and knowledge, the newest technology available, and a focus on your results and your comfort under our care. When you choose New Jersey Plastic Surgery for your deep plane facelift and other aesthetic needs, you choose excellence.

smiling deep plane facelift patient model with a polka dot dress

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is quickly becoming the new standard in facelift surgery (rhytidectomy).

With a deep plane facelift, we tighten and lift the middle and lower areas of the face primarily by detaching the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), the muscular and soft tissue layer beneath the superficial layer of skin. We release ligaments at different locations on the face and adjust the location of fat and muscle under the skin. This technique fixes the underlying cause and allows for a more natural-looking facelift than traditional facelift procedures.

What are the differences between a Deep Plane Facelift and a traditional facelift?

A traditional facelift is performed by essentially detaching the skin from the SMAS, removing excess, and reattaching at a different point to create a tighter look to your face.

While this method was the standard for many years, it often left patients looking overdone with skin too taught and looking unnatural. Because of the nature of the procedure, recovery time is often longer and more painful than a deep plane facelift. And because it does not address the underlying issues, results often do not last as long as a deep plane facelift.

Benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift

While a deep plane facelift is a surgery, and the decision to have one shouldn’t be taken lightly, the benefits can greatly outweigh any hesitation you may have.

  • Offers more natural-looking results than a traditional facelift
  • More volume in cheeks due to shifted elevation of muscle tissue and ligaments
  • A defined jawline and neck
  • Long-lasting results
deep plane facelift patient model smiling

Am I a candidate for a Deep Plane Facelift?

A good candidate for deep plane facelifts is in their 40s - 60s, healthy, and does not smoke (smoking not only causes premature aging but also puts you at higher risk for complications in surgery and healing). A deep plane facelift may be the answer for you if:

  • You have sagging facial and neck skin, causing you to look older than you are.
  • Wrinkles and fine lines cause you to look tired or unhappy.
  • You want a procedure that has long-lasting and optimal results.
  • You want a more youthful look but want it to be natural and still be you.
  • You want your facial profile to match your self-esteem and confidence.

Consultation and Preparation

If you're wondering whether you'd be a good candidate for our deep plane facelift Newport Beach plastic surgeons at New Jersey Plastic Surgery can address that and any other consultation during an initial consultation.

At your initial appointment, we will do a health intake, discuss the procedure and answer any questions and concerns you may have. No two surgeries are the same, and you will leave with a personalized plan and confidence in your future new look. Because this is surgery, there is some preparation. You will be provided with clear instructions, but you can expect a few items on your checklist:

  • A medical evaluation and blood work.
  • Stop smoking at least several weeks in advance.
  • You may need to adjust certain medications.
  • Arrangements for someone to drive you to and from your surgery and to stay with you afterward.
deep plane patient model walking down the street smiling in a yellow jacket


General anesthesia will be utilized. Once it has been administered, you can expect surgery to last 3 or more hours. The doctor will make small incisions by your ears and in your hairline, so that they are not noticeable, and begin the process of lifting the skin and SMAS as one unit and adjusting it to bring the skin higher onto the face to prevent sagging. Once he has trimmed excess skin, he will stitch the incision closed while also inserting drain tubes to help the healing process begin. Once you are awake from surgery and you have been cleared, you are released. Make sure you have made accommodations for someone to be with you, as you will not be able to drive yourself.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Recovery from surgery can take several weeks. We highly encourage you to rest as much as possible and maintain a good aftercare routine to ensure that your healing process goes smoothly.

  • Pain management is important! We will provide you with instructions on how to minimize pain, including a prescription for the first few weeks.
  • You will wear bandages for the first couple of days.
  • Stitches can usually be removed at your follow-up visit a week post-op.
  • You can expect bruising and swelling for several weeks and residual swelling for 3-6 months post-facelift.
  • Scarring will diminish over time.

Additional Reading

You will begin to see the results of your deep plane facelift as the bruising and swelling begins to heal within a few weeks. In 3-6 months, you can expect your final results and can begin enjoying the new you. You can prolong your new look with sun protection, regular sunscreen use, and an anti-aging skin care regimen.

Why New Jersey Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Barry DiBernardo is a world-renowned leader in plastic surgery. As the Medical Director of New Jersey Plastic Surgery and the New Jersey Clinical Research Center in Montclair, NJ, Dr. DiBernardo has dedicated his work to the research and perfection in technology and skills to bring New Jersey Plastic Surgery patients the highest quality of care possible. Dr. DiBernardo has sat on several boards, including past presidencies of both the New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons (2005-2006) and The Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation of ASAPS (2017-2018), as well as being a widely published author and speaker. He was named one of the Top 24 Top Beauty Doctors by Harper's Bazaar Magazine and Top Plastic Surgeon, Eastern United States (2016) by Aesthetic Everything. Dr. DiBernardo also has a passion for travel and is an award-winning photographer when he is not in the office.

deep plane facelift patient model in black shirt

Schedule Your Montclair, NJ Deep Plane Facelift Consultation at New Jersey Plastic Surgery Today

Dr. DiBernardo, Dr. Trovato, and their team at New Jersey Plastic Surgery look forward to working with you in order to make your aesthetic dreams a reality. If you'd like to find out if you'd be a good candidate for our deep plane facelift New Jersey plastic surgeons at NJPS can address that and any other questions during a consultation. Contact us today at our Montclair, NJ office or fill out the contact form on our website and start your journey towards a younger-looking you.

Deep Plane Facelift FAQs

Is a Deep Plane Facelift common?

Deep plane facelifts have quickly become a preferred procedure for both plastic surgeons and patients. While it is an invasive surgery, the results speak for themselves. Patients report results that take years off their look in a way that is both discreet and natural looking with less recovery time than traditional facelifts.

Is a Deep Plane Facelift painful?

Deep plane facelifts require general anesthesia, so you will be asleep during the procedure. As with any surgery, there is some discomfort afterward, and we will work with you to create a pain management plan.

What are the risks associated with a Deep Plane Facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a medical surgery, and as with all surgeries, there are risks. One of the more commonly reported risks reported with facelifts is facial nerve injury, which is very rare and often resolves without medical intervention.

Is a Deep Plane Facelift permanent?

While a deep plane facelift is not permanent, you can expect long-term results. With the right skincare routine and healthy choices such as diet and limited sun exposure, your facelift will last from 10-15 years.

What is a good age to get a Deep Plane Facelift?

At New Jersey Plastic Surgery, we see a wide age range in our patients. The typical patient seeking a deep plane facelift is between the ages of 40-60 years old.

How much does a Deep Plane Facelift cost?

The cost of a deep plane facelift can vary from one patient to another. It is considered an elective and not covered by most health insurance. However, New Jersey Plastic Surgery offers several payment options, including financing through CareCredit.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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