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BBL Reversal in Montclair

Featured on 2020 America’s Best Doctor List by America’s Best and Findatopdoc.com

New Jersey Brazilian Butt Lift reversal patient model in a once piece athletic outfit New Jersey Brazilian Butt Lift reversal patient model at a beach in beige bikini bottoms and a top

Undo What’s Been Done

If you’ve undergone a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in the past but are now experiencing undesirable results, our New Jersey BBL reversal may be the solution you’re seeking. BBL reversals are becoming increasingly common as the number of people unhappy with the results of their original procedure rises. At New Jersey Plastic Surgery, we specialize in BBL reversals and can help you achieve a more natural-looking and proportionate appearance. With the expertise of our team and the advanced technology we use, we can help restore your confidence and achieve your desired results.

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BBL Reversal at New Jersey Plastic Surgery

New Jersey Plastic Surgery is a top-rated plastic surgery practice located in NJ, with Dr. Barry Dibernardo and Dr. Trovato, BBL reversal procedures. Our practice is dedicated to providing exceptional patient care, personalized treatment plans, and natural-looking results. We utilize the latest surgical techniques and technology to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

New Jersey Brazilian Butt Lift reversal patient model in a striped dress New Jersey Brazilian Butt Lift patient model wearing a swimsuit

What is a BBL Reversal?

If you are unhappy with your BBL results or have experienced complications such as infection, asymmetry, and more - Brazilian Butt Lift reversal can help.

This surgical procedure removes or reduces the fat injected during a previous BBL procedure to correct any issues that may arise from it. With this innovative treatment option, patients can restore their desired look and feel confident once again.

New Jersey BBL reversal model in peach bikini bottoms and top

Benefits of BBL Reversal

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) reversal can offer several benefits to patients who are dissatisfied with their Brazilian Butt Lift procedure results or have experienced complications.

Here are some benefits of BBL reversal:

Improved body proportions: BBL reversal can remove excess fat from the buttocks and help restore a more proportionate and natural-looking shape.

Improved comfort: In some cases, the excess fat injected during a BBL procedure can lead to discomfort, pain, or difficulty sitting. BBL reversal can alleviate these symptoms and improve overall comfort.

Reduced risk of complications: If a patient experiences complications following their BBL procedure, such as infection or asymmetry, BBL reversal can correct these issues and reduce the risk of further complications.

Improved self-esteem and confidence: If a patient is dissatisfied with the results of their BBL procedure, it can negatively impact their self-esteem and confidence. BBL reversal can help restore a patient’s confidence in their appearance and improve their overall quality of life.

BBL Reversal Candidates

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) reversal can address a variety of issues that patients may experience after a previous BBL procedure, including:

  • Excessive buttock size or projection
  • Asymmetry or uneven contours in the buttocks
  • Irregular or lumpy appearance of the buttocks
  • Discomfort or pain when sitting due to excess fat in the buttocks
  • Infection or other complications from the previous BBL procedure
  • Psychological distress related to dissatisfaction with the appearance of the buttocks
  • Issues related to the previous BBL procedure, such as scarring or changes in skin tone

Consultation and Preparation

Before undergoing a this procedure, patients typically have a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss their medical history, goals, and expectations and undergo a physical examination.

During the consultation for BBL reversal New Jersey plastic surgeon, Dr. DiBernardo, will also explain the procedure, including the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery.

To prepare for the treatment, patients may need to undergo a medical evaluation, adjust their medication or smoking habits, fast before the procedure, and arrange transportation to and from the surgical facility. Following all instructions provided by the plastic surgeon and asking any questions can help ensure a safe and successful Brazilian Butt Lift reversal procedure.

New Jersey Brazilian Butt Lift reversal model sitting at a pool

How is a BBL Reversal performed?

A BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) reversal procedure involves removing excess fat from the buttocks to create a more natural and balanced appearance.

The procedure is typically performed in a surgical facility under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. It involves making small incisions in the buttocks, using liposuction to remove excess fat, and then sculpting the buttocks to achieve the desired results.

The incisions are closed with sutures, and a compression garment is applied to the buttocks to help heal and reduce swelling. The length of the procedure can vary depending on the factors involved for each scenario, but it typically takes several hours to complete.

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

After a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) reversal procedure, patients can expect immediate results, but the final results may take several months to develop.

The recovery period can be managed with pain medication and compression garments. Patients should avoid sitting or lying directly on the buttocks for at least two weeks to allow the incisions to heal.

To maintain the results of the procedure, patients should maintain a healthy lifestyle and be mindful of their sitting and sleeping positions. The incisions will be small and strategically placed to minimize visible scarring, and patients should follow the surgeon’s instructions for incision care to promote optimal healing.

New Jersey BBL reversal patient model in one-piece outfit New Jersey Brazilian Butt Lift reversal patient model in yoga pose

Why choose New Jersey Plastic Surgery?

If you’re considering plastic surgery, you want to select a trusted and experienced surgeon. Look no further than New Jersey Plastic Surgery. Dr. Barry DiBernardo and Dr. Trovato are the perfect duo of experts for your aesthetic care. This facility has been nationally recognized as a master plastic surgery center by publications such as Harper’s Bazaar Magazine and NJ Life.

Schedule Your New Jersey BBL Reversal Consultation at New Jersey Plastic Surgery Today

If you’re considering a BBL reversal in New Jersey, contact New Jersey Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today. Our experienced team can answer your questions and help you determine if a BBL reversal is the right choice for you.

BBL Reversal FAQs

BBL reversals are becoming more common as people realize they are not happy with the results of their initial surgery.

Like any surgical procedure, pain and discomfort will be associated with a BBL reversal. However, your surgeon will provide pain medication to help manage any discomfort during your recovery.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with a BBL reversal. These risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, and changes in skin sensation.

A BBL reversal is semi-permanent. This is because fat cells change over time, making it difficult to predict the exact results of the procedure.

There will be some scarring following a BBL reversal, but your surgeon will make every effort to minimize scarring by placing incisions in inconspicuous areas.

Yes, you will need to wear compression garments after your surgery. These garments help reduce swelling and promote healing.

Yes, you will need someone to drive you home following your surgery as you may still be under the effects of anesthesia.

The cost of a BBL reversal varies based on the extent of the procedure and will be discussed during your consultation with New Jersey Plastic Surgery.

Insurance typically does not cover a BBL reversal because it is considered an elective procedure. Contact your insurance provider for more information.

New Jersey Plastic Surgery 29 Park St, Montclair, NJ 07042

Our New Jersey Plastic Surgery cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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